Hosted by nolaNOW Theatre Company

Gruesome Playground Injuries

  • Nov 16 - 18, 2018

  • Church of Yoga
    1480 North Rocheblave Street, New Orleans, LA


nolaNOW Theatre Company presents our inaugural production of

GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES (a queer take imagined by nolaNOW)

by Rajiv Joseph


Over the course of 30 years, the lives of Kayleen and Doug intersect at the most bizarre intervals, leading the two childhood friends to compare scars and the physical calamities that keep drawing them together. This play does not move in a linear way. It bounces forward and backwards in time to unravel and unfold the complicated, deeply loving relationship between Doug and Kayleen. It is a journey of why we can't connect with the people we love most in the world. 

In our version only, we are exploring the relationship between Kayleen and Doug as two queer folk discovering, struggling with, and playing with their identities. 

Cuba Hatheway Rivas

Maddy Kolker: Kayleen 
Alyson Goodman: Doug

Stage Manager
Liz Haley

Coco Guillot 

Production Design 
Cuba Hatheway Rivas 

Venue Details
Church of Yoga
1480 North Rocheblave Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119, United States